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Dr. Judith Rosenblum, PhD

Life Coach  |  Psychologist  |  Hypnotist

Online Therapy/Coaching, by use of Phone, Skype

 (or other forms of Video Chat) are available worldwide




Welcome to “Dr Judy’s Self-Enhancement Strategies":  “Taking Control of Your Destiny"


My name is Dr. Judith Rosenblum, PhD.  I like to be called "Dr. Judy."  I am an accomplished Life Coach,  Psychologist, and Hypnotist, with over 25 years of experience.  Also, I am the President and founder of my own company, Self-Enhancement Strategies, and work as a Management Consultant for major business corporations.


My Goal, “Dr Judy’s Self-Enhancement Strategies: Taking Control of Your Destiny" is for you to learn how to be happier and overcome obstacles to that goal in your life.  We don't always feel in control of people or events that affect our lives. We are not handed a "life manual" or instruction book we are born with, that teaches us what to do to have a happy, fulfilling life. I will be your "Life Manual".  I will teach you the skills to master challenges and achieve meaningful solutions.  Life is filled with potential. By finding and focusing on the positives in your life, you will have the courage and strength to endure, and become equipped to define and achieve your desired destiny.


Regarding my background, including my education and training, my PhD is from Yeshiva University. Postdoctoral certificates are in Analytic Psychotherapy, and in Clinical Hypnosis including Ericksonian Hypnosis. I have achieved the highest level of training as an ASCH Consultant from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. In addition, I have completed post-graduate studies in Effective Communication, and in Personal Growth and Development, with extensive training in Cognitive-Behavioral therapy.



About my work:


I have been working for over 25 years, focusing on the solid, scientific foundations of how people change. My work has been informed by three powerful concepts, including "Emotional Intelligence", or (EI) by Daniel Goleman, the practical ideas of "Multiple Intelligences" by Howard Gardner, both of Harvard University, and "Positive Psychology" by Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania. By bringing these concepts together, I have developed my practical techniques to help you improve your life. I don’t change people. I help people change themselves by changing their patterns of thinking and by teaching them positive mental techniques. It is a proven fact that people don’t effectively use their minds and what they know. Why? This is because they haven’t learned how to do it. This lack of know-how can result in a lot of wasted time and energy and lack of satisfaction in one’s life. I use enhancement strategies to help people to be more satisfied in both their work and private lives. I help people every day by acting as their guide and “change catalyst”. I teach vital skills, and positive mental techniques, to help people to feel more satisfied and successful in their lives. You can achieve this lasting improvement in a short period of time. 


Communication is a vital skill. We need it to deal effectively with people in our personal lives, at work and with the public. I teach improved communication skills, such as learning to listen openly, to send effective messages and to negotiate conflict better. This inspires and contributes to the goals of joyful excellence and productive authentic happiness. By being keenly aware of how your thoughts influence your reactions and how you relate to others, you will also improve your inner sensitivity to the motivations, needs and behavior of others. These changes make you more successful in your interactions, so that you can enjoy better results for yourself both in your personal lives and professional lives. 


Present Activities:


I am a member of the American Psychological Association, New York State Psychological Association, National Association of Female Executives, International Society of Police Surgeons, The Division of Personnel, Industrial & Organizational Psychology (NYSPA), and The Society of Psychological Hypnosis (APA). 


Prior Activities and Awards:


 I was a member of Zonta International, United Nations NGO Committee on Mental Health and its Gender Perspectives Workgroup, Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women, and the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce. 


As Workshop Moderator and on the Executive Board Member for Nassau Psychological Association,  I developed the idea and planning for a community workshop and dialogue which occurred at the Clinton G. Martin Park Pavilion/Hall. The topic was on the Global and Local Perspectives of Relationship Violence. At the workshop, I received a Citation by Thomas Suozzi, Nassau County Executive for my establishing a distinguished record of excellence through my dedicated work with the Nassau County Psychological Association (NCPA) and for my invaluable service to the community.  I also received a Certificate of Recognition for my many accomplishments by Jon Kaiman, Supervisor of the Town of North Hempstead.


Besides my professional accomplishments, I volunteered and worked on a committee for 4 years as a “lay leader” to raise money and awareness for the annual national American Heart Association’s GO RED FOR WOMEN LUNCHEON. I brought in honorees, got donations from companies in the fashion industry, major sports teams, and from large business corporations. I was also involved with the North Shore-LIJ Health System Foundation Networking & Educational meetings on Stress & Heart Disease for Long Island Corporate Businesswomen. Lastly, I was on the committee for the Long Island Center for Business & Professional women for their Professional Achievers Awards Dinner, and helped to organize it and raise money to celebrate and honor women who were outstanding achievers in business and professions.


About Me

Dr. Judy Rosenblum PhD, Mentor, Mentoring, Consultant, Coach, Life Coach, executive coaching, corporate coaching, leadership coaching, health, wellness coaching, therapist, psychologist, trainer, training, counselor, personal development, Success, Career transition

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